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Safety precautions when using electricity in the home

1. Do not alter the mains supply in your house in any way unless you are qualified.

2. Always turn off the power at the mains before doing any electrical work

3. If the wiring in your house is old and the wires are rubber covered get it replaced

4. Make sure that the fuses or Earth trip safety cut out system works properly by testing it every few months.

5. Do not use appliances with frayed or damaged connecting wires

6. No mains sockets should be near a sink, especially a metal sink that may be earthed.

7. Never touch electrical appliances that are plugged in if your hands are wet.

8. Use multiple outlet adapters as little as possible

9. Never plug appliances that have a high power rating (kettles, electric fires, toasters into the same multiple outlet socket

10. Be careful that you do lot leave extension leads plugged in and where you can trip over them

11. Be sure that bathrooms always have light fittings with a pull cord and not an ordinary switch

12. If you wire a plug be sure that you know the correct colour code for the wires

13. Never open the back of a TV or mains radio or indeed any appliance while it is switched on

14. Never do "home experiments" with the mains electricity

15. If anyone in your home ever has an accident with electricity turn off the mains supply before touching them.

16. Use the correctly rated fuse in a plug.

17. Check the maximum power of light bulb that is allowed in a particular shade

18. If you think that there is a problem – CALL AN EXPERT!

© Keith Gibbs 2020