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The bulk modulus (K)

The stress = change in normal force/area
The strain = change in volume/original volume = Δp/ΔV

Bulk modulus (K) = - Δp/[ΔV/Vo]

A material is therefore easily compressed if it has a small bulk modulus. Gases obviously have a much smaller bulk modulus than solids or liquids. The large bulk modulus for water explains why a 'belly flop' in diving is so painful!

The table below shows the bulk moduli for a number of materials.

Material Bulk modulus (GPa)   Material Bulk modulus (GPa)
Tungsten 200   Steel 166
Iron (wrought) 143   Iron (cast) 100
Brass 63   Copper 125
Aluminium 67   Polystyrene 5
Rubber 2.5   Water 2
Benzene 1      

Student investigation

What are the elastic properties necessary for a good trampoline?

(a) Investigate the relation between the height to which the trampolinist rises and the resulting depression of the trampoline bed.

(b) Investigate the energy storage properties of a catapult by measuring the distance that a given mass may be projected. (Air resistance may be ignored.)

Example problems
The heavy hanging rod (wire)
This is an advanced problem that shows how to deal with a heavy wire that is hanging vertically and where the weight of the wire itself as well as the load produces an extension in the wire.

Force = ke (k is the elastic constant for the wire)
Mass of wire (M) = mass per unit length (m) x length (L)
Tension in the top section length dx = (L-x) mg
Energy = 1/2 [ke] = F/2 x Fe/k = 1/2 [F2e/k] dE = 1/2 [F2 de/k]

For the whole wire total energy (E) = [m2g2/2k] integral{(L-x)2 dx} = [m2g2/2k]L3/3
But M = mg and so total energy (E) =M2g2/6k

© Keith Gibbs