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The flow of mass, heat energy and charge

Comparison of the equations for the transfer of mass, heat energy and charge show that they are all of basically the same form, that is:

The flow rate is proportional to:

[the pressure causing flow]/[the resistance to flow]

The three specific equations are:

(a) Mass flow rate = [ppr4]/8hL = Δp/RM

where RM is a constant containing the viscosity, which is the resistance to the flow of the fluid.

(b) Heat flow rate = [ - kA(θ12)]/x = Δθ/RH
where RH is a constant containing the inverse of thermal conductivity, which is the resistance to the flow of heat energy.

(c) Charge flow rate = [V2 – V1]/ RE

where RE is the electrical resistance of the conductor.

Viscosity and temperature

Student investigation

The variation of viscosity with temperature may be studied by the following experiment.

The ease with which a liquid may be stirred at a given rate depends on the viscosity of the liquid and therefore the difficulty of stirring treacle will vary with temperature.

Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 1 and record the power that must be applied to the motor to maintain a steady stirring rate as the treacle is slowly heated.

Plot a graph of power against temperature. If possible suggest a form for the equation of the variation of power with temperature.


© Keith Gibbs