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The growth of ice on a pond

An interesting application of thermal conductivity is the calculation of the rate of growth of ice on top of a pond.

Let the air temperature be q and the water temperature just below the ice be 0 oC. At a certain time let the thickness of the ice be x, and let it increase by a further thickness dx in a time dt. The latent heat released on melting has to be conducted away through the ice layer as the water freezes and therefore we have:

quantity of heat lost due to increase dx = rLAdx

where ρ is the density of ice, L the specific latent heat of fusion of water and A the area of the ice surface. Then, if x is the thickness of the ice after a time t,

rate of loss of heat = LAρdx/dt = kθA/x
Therefore dx/dt = kθ/Lρx

Integrating gives:

New thickness of ice (x) after a time t is:          x = [2kθt/Lρ]1/2

© Keith Gibbs 2016