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Simple harmonic motion

The equation for the acceleration of a body undergoing simple harmonic motion is usually written as:

acceleration (a) = - ωx

The solution to this equation can be shown to be of the form

Displacement in s.h.m:    x = r sin ωt

since the equation for acceleration can be obtained by twice differentiating the equation for displacement against time.

If we differentiate this equation we have alternative equations for both v and a:

Velocity and acceleration:    v = r sin ωt   and a = - rω2 sin ωt

We will prove later that the period of the motion is given by the equation:

Period (T) = 2π/ω

Example problem

An object performs s.h.m. of amplitude 5 cm and period 4 s. If timing is started when the object is at the centre of an oscillation (i.e. x = 0) calculate:
(a) the frequency of the oscillation,
(b) the displacement 0.5 s after the start
(c) the maximum acceleration of the system and
(d) the velocity at a displacement of 3 cm.

(a) Since T= 1/f    f =0.25 Hz.
(b) Since ω= 2πf, ω = 1.6 and therefore ωt = 1.6 x 0.5 = 0.8 radians = 45o

Therefore, from x = rsin ωt, x= 5x sin 45o = 3.54 cm
(c) The maximum acceleration occurs when x= r
Therefore maximum acceleration = - ω2r = -1.6 x 1.6 x 5 = -12.8 cms-2
(d) Velocity v is given by the formula v = +/-ωv(r2 - x2) = +/- 1.6√(52 – 32) = +6.4cms-1

Note the conversion of radians to degrees in part (b), and the + and - signs in part (d).

© Keith Gibbs 2013