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Age 14 - 16

Forces in motion

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Acceleration in a blowpipe Astronaut training Car safety Collisions Communication satellites Comparative energy costs Efficiency Energy and muscles Energy production Engines Explosions Falling on a handrail Friction and drag Gravitation Gravity and projectiles Impulse Inertia Jet engine Kinetic energy Kinetic energy in a plane Momentum and impulse Momentum film Motorbike stopping distance Newton's laws and spacecraft Newtons first law Newtons second law Newtons second law experiment Newtons third law Physics and the Wright brothers Potential energy Power Power of motor Power stations Pressure in a soccer ball Pressure sensors Pumpkin launcher Resonance Rockets Sankey diagrams Soccer balls Springs oscillations Stopping distances Trajectory Trolley collisions Turboprop Vectors and scalars Vectors and the addition of vectors Walking on ice Weightlessness Work Yo yo Zero gravity


Bungee jumping Cars and carpet Crumple zones Efficiency of a bicycle Explosions with trolleys Kicking a football Momentum experiments Newton's second law Parachutes Potential and kinetic energy Power of a person Terminal velocity


As fast as you can 2 Efficient use of energy Energy, work and power Energy, work and power 2 Explaining motion 2 Explaining motion 3 Explaining motion 4 Falling and drag (Forces and motion KS 4-7) Inertia and Newton's Laws Kinetic and potential energy Machines and efficiency Momentum Momentum conservation Newton's Laws Newton's laws grid Power Safety in cars Safety in cars (2) Trains Work and Energy Work Energy and power Work, energy,power and machines
© Keith Gibbs 2025